Artificial intelligence for greater sustainability

Artificial intelligence for greater sustainability

Artificial intelligence for greater sustainability

With our technology, we are solving a massive social problem of our time

With our technology, we are solving a massive social problem of our time

Green technology: Environmental awareness in every line of code

Since the early days of our research and development, we have been committed to sustainability, convinced of the need to protect our planet and the livelihoods of all. Our commitment to protecting the environment is not just one aspect of our work; it is the foundation on which we build our artificial intelligence. We firmly believe that sustainable action is no longer an option in today’s world, but an urgent necessity. By continually striving to push the boundaries of what is possible, we are committed to leaving a positive footprint on the planet – for us today and for future generations.

Shaping the future: Sustainable action as our guiding principle

With the 2030 Agenda, the global community has set itself 17 ambitious goals,
the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), for sustainable development.

We make our contribution with AIPERIA

We make our contribution

Since our foundation in 2021, we have already optimized over 20 million orders with our sophisticated technology and thus counteracted unnecessary food waste.

By reducing food waste in bakeries, we are making a lasting contribution to achieving the 12th goal of the Sustainable Development Goals.

SDG Goal 12 aims to achieve the following:

  • Natural resources should be used sustainably and efficiently
  • Waste should be avoided or recycled and hazardous waste disposed of safely
  • The aim is to reduce food waste.

Since our foundation in 2021, we have already optimized over 20 million orders with our sophisticated technology and thus counteracted unnecessary food waste.

By reducing food waste in bakeries, we are making a lasting contribution to achieving the 12th goal of the Sustainable Development Goals.

SDG Goal 12 aims to achieve the following:

  • Natural resources should be used sustainably and efficiently
  • Waste should be avoided or recycled and hazardous waste disposed of safely
  • The aim is to reduce food waste.

A sustainable future through greater appreciation

Too good for the garbage can! ” is part of the national strategy to reduce food waste. This commits Germany to halving food waste at retail and consumer level by 2030 and reducing it along the production and supply chain.”

How we provide support

We ensure up to 30% less food waste in bakeries, which means that an average bakery can save over 30 tons of bakery waste per year with the help of AIPERIA.